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15 Tips to increase your AdWords profits

Date Created: 31/07/2021

Want to get more out of your AdWord investment? Learn 15 effective ways to not only increase your response rate but also skyrocket your profits.

  1. Create a list of all possible keywords that match your product, service, or business area. The more the better. This way you will also get a lot of keywords for which you only have to pay the minimum bid of 5 cents.

  1. Use a misspelling to find keywords that your competitors haven't thought of. For example, if you have an emergency service, don't just bid for "emergency", bid for "emergency", "emergency" or "emergency".


  1. The first position on the Google search results page, which usually gets the most clicks. However, this is also the most expensive position. Try it if the second to fourth display position brings you more visitors and more customers for less money.

  1. The position of the AdWords ad is not only determined by the maximum click price you are willing to spend. Google also evaluates the relevance of the ad displayed to position the AdWords ads. The more clicks your ad gets, the higher it will be listed.

  1. The headline in the AdWords ad must grab the attention of the viewers. If you include the keyword in the header, you will get significantly more clicks on your ad.


  1. In the ad text, give one or two reasons why the internet user should click on the ad. What problem does your product or service solve? Do you offer a product at a lower price or do you deliver free of shipping costs?

  1. Avoid price wars where a competitor and you try to constantly undercut each other's click price for a keyword. You will only ensure that the click price skyrockets. It is better to find keywords that consist of several words and that are more precise.

  1. Google AdWords offers keyword options that you should study. Properly set, you can ensure that your AdWords ad appears, for example, only when the Internet user has entered only your term and no other.                                                                                                    28  
  2. Use "exclusionary keywords." These are keywords that you don't want your ad to appear for. This way you don't have to pay for clicks if someone is looking for free stuff or just a brochure.

  1. Build a separate landing page for each keyword and each of your AdWords ads. There you can offer specifically what the internet user was looking for.


  1. A separate landing page also has the advantage that you can measure exactly how many customers a certain keyword and ad brought in. This way you can continuously optimize your ads and increase the purchase rate.

  1. Update your AdWords ads on certain occasions or holidays, for example, New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, or Christmas.


  1. If you mention the price of a product or service in the AdWords ad, then you can exclude the free and all-for-free searchers from clicking on your ad in advance.

  1. Be conservative in choosing the countries and languages in which you want your AdWords ads to appear. If your product or service is aimed only at German-speaking customers, you should set "Germany" and "Austria" as the countries. If you are successful, you can also try other countries, e.g., Switzerland, and areas close to the border. This method can also be applied to any other language.


  1. The Google ads are also displayed on partner sites of Google. If your AdWords ad costs too much and/or yields too little profit, then interrupt the option that we also display your ad on Google's partner sites. Test wisely. Not all ads run well on the partner sites.

Here you have 15 powerful ways to increase your AdWords profits. All you need to do is take action and apply them NOW! For more information about AdWords, feel free to contact the experts at OneTeam.


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